James Dyson
Dyson Communications is led by James Dyson, a British communications consultant and journalist with more than 20 years experience in Britain, France, Spain and the United States.
James works with a range of international organisations such as the Council of Europe, European Commission and the Inter Parliamentary Union as well as leading multinationals in the telecommunications, hi-tech and automotive sectors. He is also an occasional lecturer for the Masters programme in media relations at the Tracor Institute in Madrid and speaks English, French and Spanish. |
Services Dyson Communications offers practical communications expertise for organisations and businesses that want to enhance their public profile and increase the impact of their work. |
- Senior Press Officer at the global headquarters of Amnesty International; the world’s largest human rights organisation.
- Director of Communications for DARA; a humanitarian aid evaluation agency based in Madrid and Washington DC.
- Duty programme editor and producer for ITN; the UK’s leading independent TV news producer.
- Reporter for Euronews; Europe's most watched TV news channel, based in Lyon in France.
- News agency journalist for the US and Spanish agencies APTN and EFE.